‘Your death is close’: Hamas threatens Netanyahu, MKs in new video

“The day of judgment has arrived, and it will be harder and more bitter,” the group said in a video.

Video from the “Galil Forces” terror group threating Prime Minister Netanyahu and MKs Ben-Gvir and Sukkot (ARAB MEDIA, February 5, 2024.)

The terror group “Galilee Forces” published a video threatening Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, and Member of Knesset (MK) Zvi Sukkot with death threats on Monday.

The terror group from Lebanon, who have taken responsibility for terror attacks in the past, published the video with death threats and images of the politicians.

At the beginning of the video, which has circulated through Israeli media, there are phones with photos of the ministers Ben-Gvir and Sukkot, with a single bullet placed on each phone.

Afterward, the camera pans out to a scene of a graveyard, but the location of the graveyard is unclear.

The video transitions to more direct threats
The video then switches to subsequent photos of the prime minister and the MKs, each within the outline of a gun’s crosshair.

“The targets are ready, and death is very close to you,” the group wrote in text in the video, and added, “The day of judgment has arrived, and it will be harder and more bitter.”

Throughout the video is a watermark of the organization that reads “Galil Force – Lone Wolves – The first nightmare of Israel.”

MK Sukkot has published a response saying, “Threats and intimidation of terrorists will not affect my actions, I will continue to work for the security of the residents of the West Bank as the chairman of the foreign and security subcommittee for the West Bank.”

The Galilee Forces claimed responsibility on its Telegram channel for an IED attack at the Megiddo Junction in northern Israel on March 13, 2023.

LINK: https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-785179

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