CAIR calls on US administration to secure release of citizens detained by Israel

The Council on Arab-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a US-based civil rights group, has called on the Biden administration to secure the release of US citizens taken from their homes during an overnight raid by Israeli forces in Gaza.

“When the Biden administration provides political and material support for the far-right Israeli government’s indiscriminate campaign of genocide and ethnic cleansing, it is endangering the Americans who are trapped or held captive in Gaza, as well as the two US citizens who were just kidnapped by Israeli forces,” director Nihad Awad said in a statement.

“We call on our government to protect all endangered American citizens in Gaza by demanding and securing an immediate ceasefire.”

The cousin of the two detained young men has said that the Israeli soldiers tied up and blindfolded the family’s women and children during the raid, according to Sky News.

Additionally, CAIR had previously sent a letter to the State Department and the American embassy in Jerusalem, urging them to demand the immediate release of another American citizen, Samaher Esmail, who was kidnapped by Israeli forces earlier this week1.

The situation remains tense, and international efforts are crucial to ensure the safety and well-being of those affected by the conflict in Gaza.

LINK: CAIR Calls for Biden Admin to Secure Release of U.S. Citizens Kidnapped by Israeli Forces in Gaza –


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