UK’s Cameron: Israel should think before further action in Rafah

Israel should stop and think seriously before taking any further action in Rafah, British Foreign Secretary David Cameron said on Monday, after airstrikes in the southern Gaza city that is the last refuge of about a million displaced civilians.
Local health officials said 67 Palestinians were killed and dozens wounded in the airstrikes, under the cover of which Israel freed two hostages.
British Foreign Secretary Cameron meets with Lebanon’s caretaker PM Mikati in Beirut
Asked about the situation in Rafah and whether Israel had gone beyond international law, Cameron told reporters: “We think it is impossible to see how you can fight a war amongst these people. There’s nowhere for them to go.”
“We are very concerned about the situation, and we want Israel to stop and think very seriously before it takes any further action. But above all, what we want is an immediate pause in the fighting and we want that pause to lead to a ceasefire.”


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