Report: Israel proposing evacuation of Rafah

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) has reported that the Israeli government proposed to evacuate the southern Gazan city of Rafah into extensive tent cities.

The US publication cited Egyptian officials who said Israel’s proposal envisaged 15 tented camps.

Each of the camps would contain around 25,000 tents and Egypt would be responsible for setting up the camps along with field hospitals, the officials said.

According to several UN agencies, some 1.5 million are sheltering in and around the city as Israel continues operations to root out the Hamas militant group, considered a terrorist organization by the US, EU and other governments.

The WSJ reported that the proposal had been submitted to Egypt in recent days.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said Israel will provide “safe passage” to civilians trying to leave, but foreign governments and aid organizations — as well as Gazans — questioned where they could go.

“As it is, there is no place that is currently safe in Gaza,” said United Nations spokesperson Stephane Dujarric.


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