‘He’s wrong’: Rebuffing Biden, PM says ‘majority of Israelis’ support his policies

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continues to respond publicly and directly to Joe Biden, saying in an interview that recent criticism from the US president is “wrong” and “false.”

Responding to Biden’s comments on MSNBC that Netanyahu “is hurting Israel more than helping Israel” through his policies in Gaza, Netanyahu tells Politico, “I don’t know exactly what the president meant, but if he meant by that, that I’m pursuing private policies against the wish of the majority of Israelis, and that this is hurting the interests of Israel, then he’s wrong on both counts.”

“These are not my private policies only,” Netanyahu continues. “They are policies supported by the overwhelming majority of Israelis.”

Netanyahu also says that Israelis “say the last thing we should do is install the Palestinian Authority” in Gaza, and that they support Netanyahu’s position that “we should resoundingly reject the attempt to ram down our throats a Palestinian state.”

“The majority of Israelis understand that if we don’t do this, what we will have is a repetition of the October 7 massacre, which is bad for Israel, bad for the Palestinians, and bad for the future of peace in the Middle East.”

The statement from Netanyahu’s office distributing the clip states explicitly in the title that Netanyahu is responding directly to Biden.

LINK: https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog-march-10-2024/


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