UN chief calls for Gaza truce, massive lifesaving aid deliveries

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Monday called for a truce in the Israel-Hamas war in the Gaza Strip and the conflict in Sudan as the holy Muslim fasting month of Ramadan begins.
He also called for the release of hostages held by Hamas and the removal of “all obstacles to ensure the delivery of lifesaving aid at the speed and massive scale required” to Gaza, where the U.N. has warned that a quarter of the population are on the brink of famine.
“International humanitarian law lies in tatters,” he told reporters. “And a threatened Israeli assault on Rafah could plummet the people of Gaza into an even deeper circle of hell.”

LINK: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/un-chief-calls-gaza-truce-massive-lifesaving-aid-deliveries-2024-03-11/

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