Senator Sanders: US employing double standard on Ukraine and Gaza

US Senator Bernie Sanders has said that a Senate funding package that includes $14bn for Israel will allow the Israeli government to continue “indiscriminate bombing in Gaza”.

“How can we, with a straight face, rightly criticize Putin’s war crimes in Ukraine, while ignoring the killing of 27,000 Palestinians?” Sanders asked in a social media post.

The left-wing senator voted against the Senate bill earlier today.

Sanders has been criticized by many pro-Palestinian voices for refusing to call for a permanent ceasefire, although he has pushed to tie US aid to Israel to its conduct in Gaza.

US Senator Bernie Sanders has expressed his concerns regarding the Senate funding package that includes $14bn for Israel. He stated that this funding will allow the Israeli government to continue “indiscriminate bombing in Gaza” 1. Sanders has been a vocal critic of the Israeli government’s actions in Gaza and has previously called for making military aid to Israel conditional on whether the Israeli government is violating human rights and international accords in its devastating war in Gaza . However, his proposal was defeated by a majority of senators .



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The US must act to end the Gaza disaster – Senator Bernie Sanders

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