G20 backs two-state solution for Israel and Palestinians

Foreign ministers at the G20 group of nations meeting in Brazil have broadly backed a two-state solution to the conflict in the Middle East, Brazilian Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira said.

There was “virtual unanimity for the two-state solution as the only possible solution for the conflict” between Israel and the Palestinians, he told journalists in Rio de Janeiro.

Earlier, European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said every speaker who addressed the Israel-Hamas war, called for a two-state solution, which envisages an independent, democratic Palestinian state existing alongside Israel.

“Everybody here, everybody. I haven’t heard anyone against it. There was a strong request for a two-state solution,” he told reporters. “It is consensus among us,” he added.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who leads a far-right coalition government, has bluntly rejected Palestinian statehood.

In January, he told US President Joe Biden he would not compromise on full Israeli security control over the entire area west of the Jordan River.

Foreign ministers at the G20 group of nations meeting in Brazil were of one opinion on the need for a two-state solution as the only path to peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said on Thursday.

“Everybody here, everybody. I haven’t heard anyone against it. There was a strong request for a two-state solution,” he told reporters. “It is consensus among us,” he added.

Borrell’s view was supported by other delegates who said every speaker who addressed the war in Gaza called for the two-state solution.

“There is a common denominator: there is not going to be peace … not going to be sustainable security for Israel unless the Palestinians have a clear political prospect to build their own state,” said Borrell, the EU minister for foreign affairs.

He said the crisis in Gaza extends to the West Bank, which is “absolutely boiling” as Israeli settlers are “attacking Palestinian civilians.”

Borrell said he had asked G20 host country Brazil to “explain to the world that at the G20 everybody was in favor of this solution.”

“We have to mobilize our political capacity to push for this solution to be implemented. Otherwise is just wishful thinking,” he said.

Borrell said he expects Arab nations will make a peace proposal for Gaza in coming days.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his right-wing coalition government largely rejects the establishment of a Palestinian state even though Israel’s main backer the United States maintains that the two-state solution is the only feasible way to bring lasting peace to the region.

On Ukraine, Borrell said he saw no sign of Russia accepting a ceasefire. “(Russian President Vladimir) Putin wants to continues this war,” he said.

Western foreign ministers from the G20 meeting in Brazil on Wednesday attacked Russia for its invasion of Ukraine as Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov listened, diplomats said.

LINK: https://p.dw.com/p/4cm3s

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