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Tag: Haredim

Citing Israeli Army’s manpower ‘surplus,’ Haredim reject post-October 7 draft push

Citing Israeli Army’s manpower ‘surplus,’ Haredim reject post-October 7 draft push

Despite defense minister and IDF chief’s calls for more soldiers, UTJ lawmakers threaten to bolt coalition if even ‘one real yeshiva student has to close his Talmud’ On Wednesday afternoon, members of the Knesset voted

Haredim should join the Israeli Army – jPOST

Haredim should join the Israeli Army – jPOST

According to the source, there are many young haredi men who are not studying in yeshivot, and can provide much needed manpower for the IDF without it even having to draft yeshiva students. Haredim who

Gantz urges integrating Haredim, amid fury over Plans to lengthen troops’ service

Gantz urges integrating Haredim, amid fury over Plans to lengthen troops’ service

An IDF plan to increase the amount of time conscripts and reservists serve in the military as it faces a long war in the Gaza Strip generates a fierce backlash among coalition lawmakers, with many